2 Bone

Shortlist test report


The site A Different End Of The Internet is tested with 2 Bone. This test site contains 12 visible broken links (5 images and 7 clickable links).

At least 11 (out of this 12) broken links must be detected to get placed at the shortlist.


Input form of 2 Bone The following broken links are ...


  1. None! The domain name isn't accepted.


  1. https://scontent-​amt2-​1.​xx.​fbcdn.​net/​v/​t39.2365-6/​32220240_​200651090730619_​3989865546436546​346534943638274048_​n.​png
  2. https://static.​xx.​fbcdn.​net/​rsrc.​php/​v3/​yb/​r/​GsNJ4265445232352​NwuI-​UM.​gif
  3. no-gif.gif
  4. no-png.png
  5. no-jpg.jpg
  6. http://jade.zomdir.com/
  7. https://www.face-bookcom/
  8. /no-dir/no-file.htm
  9. ./no-subdir/no-file.htm
  10. ../no-subdirectory/no-file.htm
  11. no-page.htm
  12. mail-to:zomdir@gmail.com


This broken link checker does not meet the criteria for the shortlist. It is advised to use another broken link checker.

The results of 2 Bone