Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM)

Shortlist test report


The site A Different End Of The Internet is tested with Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM). This test site contains 12 visible broken links (5 images and 7 clickable links).

At least 11 (out of this 12) broken links must be detected to get placed at the shortlist.


Input form of Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM) The following broken links are ...


  1. https://scontent-​amt2-​1.​xx.​fbcdn.​net/​v/​t39.2365-6/​32220240_​200651090730619_​3989865546436546​346534943638274048_​n.​png
  2. https://static.​xx.​fbcdn.​net/​rsrc.​php/​v3/​yb/​r/​GsNJ4265445232352​NwuI-​UM.​gif
  3. no-gif.gif
  4. no-png.png
  5. no-jpg.jpg
  6. http://jade.zomdir.com/
  7. https://www.face-bookcom/
  8. /no-dir/no-file.htm
  9. ./no-subdir/no-file.htm
  10. ../no-subdirectory/no-file.htm
  11. no-page.htm
  12. mail-to:zomdir@gmail.com


  1. None!


This broken link checker does meet the criteria for the shortlist. Hence it is placed at the (Windows) shortlist.

The results of Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM)